Porter needs to go. Or at least learn to read his players for fatigue. Waiting to Sub till 75th minute is nuts.

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I think I hate Porter more than I hated Friedel which is a god damn miracle. Caleb is really showing us why he inherits a roster and playing style and wins mls cup then does fuck all. He missed the playoffs more often than he made it even before he dragged us into the dumpster. Caleb is a clueless imbecile who lucked into his success in the past. He is clueless. He is an embarrassment. Sam should ask him why he missed the playoffs over half the time and see how that goes. Porter and Onalfo are clowns and we deserve this for not firing ever young. Richie is coaching the second team. We are so embarrassing

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meh... I didn't see much to be that encouraged by tbh

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FWIW the AppleTV postgame showed the Revs xG at something like 1.12, with NYC at like 1.4? Honestly I was thrilled we had an xG over 1, so that's why I remember.

If the revs had a competent striker instead of Vrioni, the Revs would've been up at least one, probably 2 by the time the defense collapsed.

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What a fun game to be at and watch, even though we lost. I just like watching us play well, and Dejuan Jones, Borrero and Gil had some great build up moments. Just no real goal threats right now, unfortunately.

I wish we got to see what it would have looked like with Chancalay on the field, but even still I am going to sleep relatively happy with the soccer I watched tonight.

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Wow, I wish I shared your optimism. Watching a team week in and week out that can't even score one goal in two games at home is not my idea of an enjoyable evening.

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That’s fair. I think the season has lowered my expectations and I’m just happy now to see our team can successfully pass the ball. I think I liked most things I saw EXCEPT for the fact they can’t get a goal.

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"I’m just happy now to see our team can successfully pass the ball."

wow, lowered all the way to basement level 2

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That’s the same expectation I have for my U10 team.

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Think of the possession battle Paul

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