Put that brand new lighthouse to work. Throw the crates from there!

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I really like the idea of sometimes having the Minutemen fire their muskets when the crates are thrown and sometimes having a youth group and/or season ticket holders throwing crates while opposing team’s bloopers play on the screens.

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Skeet shoot it. Toss the crate up in the air and then have the minutemen shoot it. I'm only half-kidding: just make it a party popper type thing and have it pop open confetti.

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Why am I not surprised Sam has liked the two ideas mostly likely to keep the work number in business when this promotion goes wrong...no officers we didn't think our crate full of Skyline Chili and deep dish casserole would hurt anyone flying off the lighthouse :P

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In 2022 the Sacramento Kings decided to light a bright purple beam outside their arena after every home win. It’s a cheesy idea that happened to coincide with the Kings’ first playoff season in over a decade. This marketing gimmick became a symbol of the team’s surprising good play.

Much like the beam, the Revs tea dumping would be much better received if the supporters had a side worth cheering for. The 2024 Revs haven’t shown that so far this season.

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The online commentary was far better than the experience itself!

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Logistically would Gillette allow you to bring in a bunch of "tea crates"? I'm surprised they were even allowed to have 1 to be honest haha

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