What would the score be if they DIDN'T treat it as a cup final. Good 1st half. 2nd half was not good. The bench was very shallow but the substitutions made little sense regarding the timing. TMac not being 90 minutes fit - why not sub at half rather than 9 minutes into 2nd half. Could have brought on Spaulding and moved Jones to wing instead of Kaye. When chasing a goal why wait until 80th minute to bring on Wood. Could have brought on Dias and Fry at 70. Porter needs to do better with what he has rather than wringing his hands and blaming injuries. Be creative. Try 3 in the back with Arreanga, Kessler and Romney and use Bye and Jones as wingbacks as an example.

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3 thoughts: if we only play 45 minutes, our record would be better. 2) every time we go back to our goal, we have the opportunity to give the ball to the opponents so they can score , just stop.3) it was good to see Tommy Mac back.

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It stands to reason that we're going to have 2nd half problems with so many players missing, but the options off the bench are pretty depressing.

Bobby Wood? No thanks, give me one of the kids from R2 instead.

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We seem to be a 45 minute team. The second half kills them and Porter does a poor job putting in substitutions. This team not going far under his leadership.

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