Sep 3, 2023Liked by Thomas Pinzone

Sorry but Williams is the reason for the loss. He put Makoun on the field for no reason. Makoun brings nothing and there were much better options available. His sub management has been terrible.

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Williams was painfully reactionary with his subs.

When Austin hit the post, he immediately turned to call for subs. And then right after an Edwards save he did it again.

The ceremonial late substition for McNamara was not needed and an embarrassingly poor decision. Pulling the captain and best player in a 2-1 game for a bottom of the roster player to get a round of applause?

Revs poor approach to closing out games costs them again. Williams is just following Bruce's play book and his biggest flaw.

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Richie took too long to put subs on and Makoun has no place on that field.

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"Williams has preached about being professionals since taking over and Makoun simply didn’t act like one in the moment."

Because Makoun doesn't belong on the team tbh...

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On the plus side, Nacho Gil, WOW! He was great! Kaye seems like a player who is going to be given a red card at some point, and it will be bad. He keeps making fouls at the wrong time, in the wrong place.

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In my, admittedly not a soccer guru, mind I'd say putting in subs late is a bad idea. Putting them in earlier like in the previous match seemed to work out better. This team, though, has had poor closing performance since last season. Why?

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