As soon as you get him back he will be out again. He been this way since last season.

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What is the nature of his injury? This is usually known concerning key players in other sports.

Makes one suspicious.

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Hey George: Bruce sometimes will give some crumbs to beat reports on the mid week media availability’s and say more on the radio when speaking with 98.5 and that heppened again today. Here is what he said according to our own Seth Macomber which will be updated in the story shortly.

“Arena on Bou on 98.5: He was out on the field the last couple of days doing running exercises. He had a minor calf injury. He looks like he’s up to full speed so he should be back on the field, I would think, next week and hopefully we’ll have him ready to play soon”

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Bou's condition should be easy enough to report on. The problem is that our major news sporting new source, The Boston Globe, reports next to nothing about the New England Revolution. They are awful and they really should be called out much more about this.

I have tried to do so, but the only answer I receive is that no one will read about them, if they write about them. In turn there are lots of ways to answer this response beyond notions of obligation and legitimacy, and not just profits. Indeed, other answers like gigantic numbers of boys and girls playing the sport and 30,000 fans at home games (& likely more when the weather gets consistently better) ought to be two more. What can sports fans in New England do to bring the Globe Sports Desk to heel about supporting soccer.....and in doing so, letting us know about the health of key players. What do you think? George Seeley

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Hey George: I will say that Frank Dell'Apa does great work but I think his coverage needs to be elevated more like coverage of the Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox, and Patriots are. Ideally the hope is we grow to the point where they answer to us and we dont need an entity like the Globe who might not care as much about the Revs as we do.

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