Even if you think Porter's way of playing can work but only with different players, which I do not, his leadership style is atrocious and his lack of accountability is pathetic.

Why would anyone, players or fans, get behind someone who acts like this?

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Agreed. Yes, being down a player for so long is tough. So make adjustments. Play subs earlier. What a jerk.

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I have seen many Revs games over the years where they were up a man and failed to capitalize on it. Yes, it stinks being down a man but good teams with good coaches find a way to adapt and don't just collapse. Also, Esmir deserves a lot of the blame for his poor judgement in making that pass. I think he likely did that during to Porter's training - instead of attacking, he played the ball back, just like the team has been doing all year.

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Also, can we stop using the CONCACAF cup as an excuse for their wretched performance?

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HA. Caleb is absolutely not putting in “12 hours a day”. I would LOVE to have him run through how he fills those hours every day

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He watches the tide come in

He watches the tide go out

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A red card early in a game does stink but there have been teams that have won or tied being down a man. Your leadership should be questioned, for what a lot of fans are seeing it sucks. Maybe replacing you we may see a different out come to games. But I don't think Curt will fire you adding another failure mark to record.

Maybe things will change if they start to see Season Memberships dropping off. A season like this isn't going to help them.

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"Yeah, okay, we lost the game again, but you want to talk big picture, we can talk big picture"

Champ, the big picture is being bottom of the league and worst start in team history. Get the picture, Caleb?

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